22 Oct
Prenatal and postpartum stages during Pregnancy.

It is important to stay healthy during pregnancy because you are responsible not only for your health but also for the health of the little one growing in you.

During pregnancy, the female body is experiencing huge changes. From head to toes, it affects the body. It's incredible how smoothly the body includes the baby.

1.) Due to increased blood hormones, there is a new growth period in the skin, flashing on the head, and bleeding gums.

2.) The increased complexion on the eyes, chest, nipples, and abdomen as a result of melanin increases. Often known as melasma, chloasma or PREGNANCY MASK, this pigment.

3.) Weight gain leads to facial swelling, finger and toe swelling. Swelling around the sciatic nerve causes lower back and thigh pain. Patients of the contact lens face difficulty in their use.

4.) The size of the breasts is significantly increased as they need to get ready to feed the baby.

5.) Skin dryness and connective tissue breakage that leads to stretch marks.

6.) Constipation is known to make the intestine bloated due to progesterone, the pregnancy hormone.

7.) This helps facilitate baby and delivery by loosening joints and ligaments around pelvis and other places due to pregnancy hormones particularly RELAXIN. Loosening also contributes to back pain.

8.) Increase in body temperature, heart rate and breathlessness due to higher metabolic rate and higher heart rate.

9.) Growing venous blood flow deficiency leads to varicose veins, haemorrhoids, and stacks.

10.) Acne worsens as skin becomes very oily due to the hormonal change.

In both mothers and their new-borns, the first few hours and days after birth are the most harmful. That's why both should be given complete care.

While most people focus more on nine months of maternity care, post-natal care or post-partum care is also relevant.

The postpartum period starts shortly after delivery and lasts approximately six to eight weeks. 

for more Interesting updates you can visit https://medium.com/@shalinipatnaik04/pregnancy-care-prenatal-and-postnatal-stages-of-pregnancy-26553625f0ae 

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